At Rosanna Crothers Beauty Salons you can indulge in the ultimate range of therapeutic, regenerative and luxurious beauty treatments designed to leave you feeling wonderful any time. Contact our Beauty Salons and delight yourself!
Opening Hours
Monday 9.00 – 5.30pm
Tuesday 9.00 – 5.30pm
Wednesday 9.00 – 8.00pm
Thursday 9.00 – 8.00pm
Friday 9.00 – 8.00pm
Saturday 9.00 – 6.00pm
Our Office
Rosanna Crothers Beauty Clinic
89 Morehampton Road
Donnybrook, Dublin 4
01 6141010 | 01 6608408
Parking info
Price | Time | Colour | Hours | Free Hours | |
Marlborough road: | 2.70 |
8am-6:30pm |
red | 3 hour max stay | 6:30pm-8am all day Sat and Sun |
Mount eden road: | 2.70 | 7am-7pm Monday to Saturday |
red | 3 hour max stay | 7pm-7am all day Sun |
Herbert park: | 2.70 | 8am-6:30pm Monday to Friday |
red | 3 hour max stay | 6:30pm-8am all day Sat and Sun |
Arranmore road: | 2.70 | 8am-6:30pm Monday to Friday |
red | 3 hour max stay | 6:30pm-8am all day Sat and Sun |
Pembroke road: | 2.70 | 8am-6:30pm Monday to Friday |
red | 3 hour max stay | 6:30pm-8am all day Sat and Sun |
Morehampton road: | 2.70 | 7am-7pm Monday to Saturday |
red | 3 hour max stay | 7pm-7am all day Sun |
The above information is subject to change. Please check offical signs.